Baseband Platforms and VNO

Baseband Platforms

At SMS Teleport we have several baseband platforms within our operations. Most recently we have launched our new UHP Networks platform, which we are using for our new flagship innovative trunking solutions. The primary purpose for our new flagship baseband platform solution, is to provide a cost-effective solution for our clients which supports nearly all requirements. Features include:

  • Asymmetric and Symmetric Throughput
  • Bandwidth Shaping with full Quality of Service
  • Fast Convergence and Reliable Deployment
  • Competitive to Fibre.

We have various baseband platforms in operation at our Teleport, from manufacturers such as iDirect, Newtec, Comtech, Satlink and more…

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Virtual Network Operations (VNO)

SMS Teleport can offer hosted VNO services for customers who wish to manage their own VSAT networks without restrictive capital investments in Teleport infrastructure.

Our VNO service option, utilising the latest fully supported technology, enables our customers and partners to offer fully managed services to their own client base, whilst maintaining full control of their own networks and avoiding the infrastructure overhead.

With the combination of running a VNO service on our equipment and utilising our Teleport infrastructure, you can run a vast number of different topologies to suit your particular needs.

If would like to find out more, or would like to discuss our VNO solutions, please contact us or email: