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New 13.5m Ka-Band Antenna Reflector Successfully Lifted
Today was an exciting day at the Teleport; the new 13.5m Ka-Band antenna’s reflector was successfully lifted and positioned onto the pedestal. This antenna will provide services for Trio Connect LLC
SMS to Implement new Dataminer System
SMS has recently acquired the Dataminer monitoring and control system; something which when implemented, will provide the Teleport with improved and enhanced monitoring capabilities. As outlined by Skyline Communications, “DataMiner is the
Amos 5 Failure – Customers Migration
After a long process and hard work, combined with lot of uncertainty about the Amos 5, all SMS customers are now moved to alternative Satellites. Most of our customers were migrated
Amos 5 Failure – Update
Spacecom released an announcement to the stock market about the loss of communication with the Satellite. So far all the attempts to recover the Satellite have failed. It has been
Amos 5 Failure – Update
Spacecom are still unable to communicate with the Satellite. At this stage it is unclear what happened and experts from around the world are trying to support the company in
Communication with Amos 5 Satellite is Lost
Earlier today at 04:45GMT the communication with Amos 5 Satellite was lost. Spacecom report an anomaly on the Satellite and are working on restoring the connection with the Satellite, no success
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